Civil Servants Salary Structure In Pakistan 2022, Increments, Perks, Benefits

Details about civil servants salary structure in Pakistan 2022, Increments, Perks, Benefits are shared on this page. For the information this category of civil servants, their grade scale starts from BS-01 and finishes at BS-22. Here on this page, we are going to give you little bit of details that how much basic salary is given to these civil servant officers. These civil servants are given ad hoc allowance, orderly allowance, entertainment perk, medical incentive, fuel allowance as well as well house rent. These officers are given yearly increments and they are also given special performance allowances. When budget comes, then salaries of these officers are revised.

So right now, we will share the basic income of few of the official posts. We will tell you the range of increments and perks which are assigned to each of these grade scale posts. If any civil service officer is on the grade scale of BPS 05 then his minimum salary is Rs. 10260 and these officers maximum income and salary is Rs. 25260. Rs 500 is their assigned increment amount. When the future phase of budget 2022 will be completed then more increment revision will be done. Then if any of the civil services officer is on the scale of BPS 07 then note down that his minimum basic income will be Rs. 10990 and on the other hand, maximum basic salary of these officers is Rs. 29290. More of the information on civil servants salary structure in Pakistan 2022 is written below.

We will now further going to discuss about civil servants increments in Pakistan 2022. There is a specific list of increments which are given to these civil service officers and that we have mentioned above. In this medical perk, their family members and kids can too enjoy this facility.

Then special performance allowance is given to those who give special performances during their jobs. More updated details regarding civil servants perks in Pakistan 2022 will be shared with you. These civil servants benefits in Pakistan 2022 are revised on per year basis.

Civil Servants Salary Structure In Pakistan 2022, Increments, Perks, Benefits

Revised Pay Scale 2025


If any civil servant is on BPS 09 scale then his minimum basic income will be Rs. 11770 and his maximum range of income will be Rs. 33670. And if some of the civil servants are on BPS 14 scale then salary structure starts from the range of Rs. 15180 an ends at the average range of Rs. 50280 amount.

You can keep in touch with us and we will share more details on civil servants salary structure in Pakistan 2022. This is the current salary structure which we have shared with the readers. If revision will be done in the income and pay structure of these civil servants, we will let you know.

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