Latest Notification Of Federal Govt Regarding Pay Scale

We are here to share the official piece of detail and information about latest notification of Federal govt regarding pay scale. This Federal government has updated the salaries of their grade scale official posts and here is the revised information for you. This government of Pakistan has made same and similar changes in the salaries of other provincial government employees. You can note about those revisions too. But here on this page, we will focus on the basic salaries of these Federal government employees. We will notify you about the few grade scale and then you will receive and get actual and current information about their minimum and maximum salaries.

If you are in this Federal government sector and you are on BPS 05 official post then you have to now remember that your minimum salary will be Rs. 10260 amount. Rs. 25260 will now be your maximum basic salary range amount. And if you are on the BPS 07 scale, then these grade scale official posts will get minimum salaries of amount Rs. 10990 and their maximum salaries current amount will be Rs. 29290.  If you currently work for this Federal government and you are too on the BPS 09 official post then your minimum scale of salary will reach to the stats of Rs. 11770 and you maximum basic pay will be Rs. 33670.

Readers have to remember and they have to fully understand this fact these revised salaries are current one. All the stats which we have shared and communicated to you regarding these minimum basic salaries and all of the latest details which we have shared and conveyed to the readers regarding maximum basic salary range, all are updated and they are in operation in the present basis.

Latest Notification Of Federal Govt Regarding Pay Scale

Revised Pay Scale 2025


Moving on to more scales, if you are on BPS 14 scale, then the range and minimum amount of your basic salary will be Rs. 15180 and amount of your maximum basic salary will be Rs. 50280. And if any Federal government employee is on BPS-17 Pay Scale employees, this basic salary average amount will be Rs. 30370 – Rs. 76370. Then we have BPS-19 Pay Scale and this post will get Rs. 59210 as minimum basic income and then Rs. 120210 will be their maximum salary. Then coming to BPS 20 scale, this scale minimum basic pay has now been marked to the point of Rs. 69090 and their maximum pay is now of amount Rs. 132230.

Just regularly keep connected with us and more info on latest notification of Federal govt regarding pay scale will be conveyed. You can ask any questions if you have one in your mind regarding the revisions and these suitable changes which are made by Federal government in its employees salaries.

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