We have collected details for the category of State Bank Of Pakistan SBP OG 1 Salary for you. This OG 1 post, it stands for the officer grade job position. So if you are about to get selected on this OG 1 post, then below and next one is the information for you that how much pay is finalize for this officer grade 1 post. During the phase of your theoretical training, you will be given monthly stipend and income that shall have the amount of Rs 24,500. You will be given free boarding as well as lodging facilities right at NIBAF Islamabad. You shall get daily allowance and incidental allowances too while you will be given training at NIBAF Islamabad. Once you will complete your training, then you will get the appointment letter stating that you are hired as OG-1 officer and than your monetized and monthly salary will come out to be Rs 49000. You will get other perks, benefits too according to the rules as stated by the State bank of Pakistan.
State Bank Of Pakistan SBP OG 1 Salary
You have now got the exact figures on State Bank Of Pakistan SBP OG 1 Salary. We can say that quite a competitive salary is offered to this scale and it is very important for you to complete your theoretical training phase. Once you will successfully complete this training, only then you will get appointed on the official scale of this position and you will be entitled with other benefits.
When revision or change will take place in this State Bank Of Pakistan SBP OG 1 Salary, we will let you know. So do enjoy all of these perks, incentives and monthly pay once be and see yourself on the officer grade 1 scale level. Wait for the more revisions and any latest which shall come from the side of SBP bank.