ASP Police Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale And Allowances

Readers will get complete information about ASP Police Salary In Pakistan and their Basic Pay Scale And allowances. This grade post which is known as Additional Superintendent of Police. You can too call it with the title of Deputy Superintendent of Police. This post of ASP/ DSP has a grade and pay scale of BS 17. Officers on this post of ASP/ DSP, their minimum basic salary is Rs. 30370. Their maximum basic pay is Rs. 76370. They get increment of Rs 2300. asp salary in pakistan

ASP Police Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale And Allowances

  • In Punjab, this post of Additional Superintendent of Police, it has a grade and pay scale of BS 17. Officers on this post of Deputy Superintendent of Police, their minimum basic salary is Rs. 30370 and their maximum basic pay is Rs. 76370. These officers ASP/ DSP get increment of Rs 2300
  • In Sindh, their grade and pay scale is of BS 17. Officers of Additional Superintendent of Police get their minimum basic salary Rs. 30370 and their maximum basic pay and income is Rs. 76370. These officers get increment of Rs 2300 asp salary in pakistan
  • In KPK, these officers have a pay scale of BS 17. Officers ASP/ DSP, their minimum basic salary and pay is Rs. 30370 and their maximum basic pay and wage is Rs. 76370. They get increment of Rs 2300 on yearly basis.

ASP Police Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale And Allowances


asp police

  • In Balochistan, these officers of ASP/ DSP, they have a grade of BS 17. Officers on ASP/ DSP post, their minimum basic salary and income is Rs. 30370. Their maximum basic pay and income is Rs. 76370. They get increment of about Rs 2300
  • In Federal, ASP/ DSP officer has a grade and pay scale of BS 17. Officers of Additional Superintendent of Police have minimum basic salary and wage of Rs. 30370. Their maximum basic pay and income is Rs. 76370. They get increment of about the range of Rs 2300

Revised Pay Scale 2025


Allowances enjoyed by Additional Superintendent of Police

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These officers of BPS- 17 post, they also get many allowances and many perks. They get ad- hoc allowance, ad-hoc relief allowance. Special pay and too special allowances are given to these officers. They get house rent, gratuity scheme, daily allowances in the form of ordinary rate and also in the form of special rates. We have mentioned 2017 figures and stats with you. Basic salaries of this BS-17 grade post is same every where in all provinces of Pakistan. The only difference that makes are these allowances and perks, incentives.

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