Assistant Commissioner Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale Allowances

In Pakistan, the pay scale and grade of Assistant Commissioner is BS-17 Assistant Commissioner Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale Allowances. This is one of the top most level posts and seats in the Government of Pakistan. The basic pay scale for this BS-17 grade post is, their minimum basic salary is Rs 25,440. Their maximum basic salaries and earnings are Rs. 64,040. Individuals who are hired and allotted on this post and seat of Assistant Commissioner, they usually get an increment of Rs 1930 on a per year basis. Apart from these basic pays, they get medical allowance, ad hoc relief allowance, travel allowance. Let us have a look at the province by province basic pay information of this post of Assistant Commissioner. so have  idea about Assistant Commissioner Salary Pakistan

Assistant Commissioner Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale Allowances

So here is idea

Revised Pay Scale 2025

  • In Punjab, this BS- 17 post of AC, officers have the basic minimum pay of Rs 25,440. Their maximum pay is Rs. 64,040 and they receive an increment of Rs 1930 explained Assistant Commissioner Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale Allowances
  • In Sindh, the individuals on the post of this Assistant Commissioner, their minimum basic salary is Rs 25,440 and their maximum basic pay is Rs. 64,040. They get increment of Rs 1930 yearly.
  • In KPK, officers on this BS-17 grade post, their minimum basic amount of salary is Rs 25,440. and their maximum basic salary is Rs. 64,040. Regard to their increment, they see an increase of Rs 1930 in their salaries on a yearly basis.
  • In Balochistan, the officers of this BS-17 grade post, this seat of Assistant Commissioner, they enjoy the minimum basic pay of Rs 25,440, maximum basic pay is Rs. 64,040 and increment amount is Rs 1930 on a year basis.
  • In Federal, the officers who are hired and appointed on this seat of Assistant Commissioner, their minimum basic pay and salary is of Rs 25,440 and their maximum basic pay and salary is Rs. 64,040, Related to their increment amount, they see Rs 1930 increase in their basic pays on a year basis.
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Assistant Commissioner job description

Salary Pakistan

AC Salary In Pakistan

Assistant Commissioners are also known with the name of Deputy district officers. With regard to their official assignments, they carry out the tasks of Revenue Administration. They have to process the tasks and assignments related to the Price Control Magistracy so get the idea of ac salary in pakistan. They have to continue with their coordination with the other departments. They carry out the Monitoring of Devolved and also Non-devolved Departments about the Assistant Commissioner Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale Allowances.

They carry out the Coordination with the Food Department related to the procurement of wheat. They have their Coordination right with the Agricultural Department for the monitoring of Fertilizer and also Water Courses.  The officer hired on this post, they coordinate with the Health Departhment during the campaign of Polio Eradication. In the same way, they keep in touch with the Law Departmen, Education Department  and irrigation Department right during the time of flood situations.

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