Assistant Private Secretary Salary In Pakistan

Here is the detailed post about the Assistant Private Secretary Salary In Pakistan Promotions Rules Of Private Secretary. The job is civil employee of government department or in the ministry. The employee of this post post is responsible for the disseminating the decisions of the ministry and at the time work as a gatekeeper, his role acknowledged important than his job.

The private secretary is the very basic link between the minister of the government and officers in the ministry department. OTS just announced the job advertisement that shows APS means Assistant Private Secretary as rank of BPS 16.

Now we can consider rank designated only for Assistant Private Secretary. All Public Sector organizations having same rank for all Assistant Private Secretaries indeed. You are welcome to the page where you can find the actual salary but you have to find it through the given chart only. The Table actually make you clear about the way out that is going to take reflective approach about every job.

The assistant private secretary is responsible for the coordination of the development of ministry remit policy; make ensure that the goals and the aims of the ministry would be clear and achievable. Assistant private sectary is always present in every meeting of the ministry of government.

All typing work, attending telephones, keeping records of the trunk call in the record of government, keep proper record of files and other important papers, keeping records of the suspense cases. Writer does not has personal attachment with any job but actually it is quite obvious about the approach for bachelor degree in second devision with 100 wps typing speed.

Revised Pay Scale 2025


He or she is responsible for the dairy and the setting schedule of the ministry of Pakistan in parliament he or she is the primary source of the advisory and parliament protocol is one of the basic responsibility of his.

Assistant Private Secretary Salary In Pakistan Promotions Rules Of Private Secretary

This post is doing work under the ministry of Pakistan and responsible for all need and the things that are need of the ministry of government and his or her importance depends upon the responsibilities of the employee’s salary are according to the BPS 16.

In 2023 the pay scales are being revised and increase the salaries of the assistant private secretary which is great.  Salaries according to the BPS 2023 minimum salary would be 12,910 and maximum pay will be 43,960 figures updated above. There are 30 stages are left for the upgrading. This job is permanent in its nature. Man and females can apply for this post. so it is fine to share about the Assistant Private Secretary Salary In Pakistan Promotions Rules Of Private Secretary

Minimum age of the employees would be considered 20 and maximum age will be considered 28. Bachelor’s in second class from a recognized university by the HEC.

2 thoughts on “Assistant Private Secretary Salary In Pakistan”

  1. Will anybody share the Job description/duties of Assistant Private Secretaries,, Private Secretaries,, Senior Private Secretaries in federal Government .

  2. I want to apply for Assistant Private Secretary in FIA Because i liked their discipline, management and the respect. Thank you


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