The Govt Printing Press Lahore Salaries are here mentioned and written down for you. The post of store companion, it carries the pay scale of BS-02 and the average salary which is given to this post, it is Rs 17285 on the per month basis. Then in this printing press which works at the government level, we see the post of gardener. Though it is one of the highly junior level posts, still it matters for this press. The pay scale which is given to the position of a gardener, it is BS-01 and their average per month pay and income is Rs 17011. Then we have the position of naib qasid and you can note down their scale which is BS-01 and the income amount which is given to this post, it is Rs 17011. So, all these pays, they are the rough numbers and do not mark them as final. They are regularly, constantly revised. We have just mentioned the pay numbers of BS-01, BS-02 working staff and the rest of the working staff salaries will be shared too.
Govt Printing Press Lahore Salaries
The job positions which we have written above, it is required from the candidates to get the education up to primary level and this is enough! One can start to work for the printing press and he can be assigned and selected for this position if his education status reaches up to this much status. When the budget document new version will be released, then the pays will be automatically and surely increased.
If you also want to share any other fact on Govt Printing Press Lahore Salaries, then do that with us! Again note that all the above written salaries are frequently changing and when latest changes will be made in this section, we will immediately and quickly inform you.
Offset printing machine operator assistant available