Lady Health Visitor LHV Salary In Pakistan, PHA Gujrat LHV Pay Scale, Benefits, Allowances

If readers are scrolling for the information about lady health visitor LHV salary in Pakistan, PHA Gujrat LHV Pay Scale, Benefits, Allowances then here you are. This post of lady health visitor has the pay scale of BS-09. This post minimum salary is Rs 11770 and these lady health visitors normally get the maximum salary of range of Rs 33670. Note that these LHV officers have their current increment range of Rs 730. lady health worker salary in pakistan is the same desgination up to some extent. We have given you the latest salary figures of the post of lady health visitors. But this salary figure is all the time subject to changes and revisions. When fresh phase of budget will come then these LHV officers salaries will have an increase too. These LHV officers are also called as midwives. These are qualified nurses and they are responsible to give vital and sufficient care to their patients. To be on the subjected post, you should have post registration experience. These health visitors also visit homes of their patients. They support their patients. They meet and fulfill the needs of their patients. Below is the more information about lady health visitor LHV salary in Pakistan.

This PHA Gujrat LHV Pay Scale is BS-09. Now talking and officially discussing about these PHA Gujrat LHV Benefits, these health visitors get ad hoc incentive and entertainment benefits.

These health visitors also get this fuel and medical incentives. Regular revisions and suitable changes are in made in the list of these lady health visitor LHV Allowances. These are the certain number of allowances which are given to these health visitors. It is the duty of these professional nurses that they have to meet the needs and health requirement of their patients. They need to assess overall effectiveness level and condition of their patients. These health visitors setup different health plans. They manage baby clinics too.

Lady Health Visitor LHV Salary In Pakistan, PHA Gujrat LHV Pay Scale, Benefits, Allowances

Salary Pakistan


Revised Pay Scale 2025


These health professionals get involve theirselves in many health community projects. They offer their support so that sensitive issues like that of postnatal depression and also domestic violence issue can be managed by them. lady health worker salary in pakistan.

District Health Officer Salary 

These health visitors diagnose as well as treat minor in form health condition. They give their support to new health health visitors too. These professional health visitors understand all government medical initiatives. They plan out promotional activities regarding these healthcare issues. So above is the clear and official information about lady health visitor LHV salary in Pakistan. As we have told and given you the latest details of lady health visitors salaries package. Just keep these income and salaries figures in your mind. If any revision or any increase will be done in salary of lady health visitors, we will let readers know and update you. lady health worker salary in pakistan

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