Latest Notification Of Punjab Govt Regarding Pay Scale

Let us have the discussion on the topic about latest notification of Punjab govt regarding pay scale. If you belong to this Punjab government and you are working on any of the grade scale, then note that there is a great news which is coming on its way punjab govt pay scale notification 2022. Your salary and basic income has been revised. To note down these revision changes, you have to read all of the details of this post. All grade scale officers, their salaries which are basic salaries, they are revised and updated now. All government employees, they wait for a year time to get these increment and revisions to happen in their basic salaries and now that time has come! You can note and keep in mind these important changes. If any of the reader has any question about these revisions, then let us know. Here we will talk about these Punjab government employees, and if Sindh government employees or KPK government employees wants to know about these revisions, then they have to remain connected over here. First we will explain the stats and revisions which occur in the basic salaries of these Punjab government employees and then we will explain you the stats which occur and happen in the basic salary area of KPK and Sindh government employees.

This is the most latest alert and notification which is issued by this Punjab government. If any Punjab government employee is on BPS 14 scale then these officers and post will get Rs. 15180 amount and your minimum basic salary amount will be Rs. 50280 amount.

Latest Notification Of Punjab Govt Regarding Pay Scale

Revised Pay Scale 2025


For these BPS-17 officers, this will be their revised income range Rs. 30370 – Rs. 76370. And for these BS-19 Pay Scale officers, their basic salary range will be this. Rs. 59210 – Rs. 120210. If you are linked with Punjab government and you are on BPS 20 scale then your current salary range will be this, Rs. 69090 – Rs. 132230. For BPS 22 scale, revise salary range has come out, Rs. 82380 – Rs 164560.

This is all complete pack of information which is related to latest notification of Punjab govt regarding pay scale. We hope that all of the Punjab government employees must be satisfied from these revisions. On this page, we will update you about the revisions as well which are finalized by other provincial govt, sector. You can go through and understand all of these revisions. From these details, all Punjab government employees will receive and get the idea that how much their minimum pay and maximum basic salary will come out to be and moreover, their increment figure is revised and increased as well. Stay connected with us.


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