Military College Jhelum Salaries, Pay Scale, Allowances

Are you looking for the details of Military College Jhelum Salaries, Pay Scale, Allowances? We can give all valid and correct piece of information to all of our readers. You can note this important detail that here at this page, we are going to tell you and discuss few of the job lines which are being currently enrolled in this Military College Jhelum and then we will tell you that how much Salaries is being received by these grade scale officers. If you will be working as Mess supervisor then your grade scale will be BS-10. For this grade scale, minimum Salaries is Rs 12160 and maximum Salaries has been finalized up to Rs 36160. For the post of dresser, your basic pay grade scale will come out to be BS-07 and your minimum income range will be Rs 10990 and your maximum Salaries amount will come out to be Rs 29190. Then for this post of driver, you have been allotted this grade scale of BS-04 and for this grade scale, your minimum Salaries has this amount of Rs 9900 and your maximum range of Salaries and income will be rs 23100. More of the details on Military College Jhelum Salaries are mentioned below.

As we have told you about their Military College Jhelum Pay Scale information and now we will talking about Military College Jhelum Allowances. For all of these above mentioned posts, if they are working in Military College Jhelum then they get this ad hoc allowance, medical allowance and too special leaves, annual leaves, bonuses and other incentives.

These are the official and 2017 Salaries figures which we have mentioned to you. As this budget 2017 has all been officially announced and according to the figures and valid information which is available and put up in this budget 2017, it is according to this valid and genuine information that these Salaries figures have been revised too.

Military College Jhelum Salaries, Pay Scale, Allowances

Salary Pakistan

You can keep in touch with us and further of the details about Military College Jhelum Salaries will be shared with the readers. As these are the figures of year of 2017 and they are also subject to revision. You can keep connected with us and then after some time span, we will tell you about their update Salaries figures as well. These Salaries figures gets increased and changed on the per year basis, these salaries are not fixed and their amount is not fixed. Salaries of their employees gets increased on yearly basis.

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