If looking for info on Ministry Of Religious Affairs And Interfaith Harmony Salary, then you are at the correct page. In this subjected ministry which is about the proceedings of religious affairs and also interfaith harmony proceedings, they assign some specific salary amounts to their employees. If any one is working as data processing assistant in this ministry of religious affairs, then your scale will be BS-16 and the per month pay will be Rs 34871. You will also get Rs 1288 per day allowance. Moving to this post of data entry operator, the scale which is assigned to this position, it is BS-12 and the per month average pay for this post is now Rs 24394. These data entry operators will also be getting the per day allowance of the amount of Rs 901.
Ministry Of Religious Affairs And Interfaith Harmony Salary
We have still more details for you on this Ministry Of Religious Affairs And Interfaith Harmony Salary section. If you have got the appointment on the position of LDC, then the official basic pay scale given to this job title and position, it is BS-09 and monthly salary given to LDC officers, it is now currently Rs 21121. This job position will too get the daily allowance consisting of the amount and numbers of Rs 783. If hired on the position of naib qasid, then the pay package and basic scale of yours, it will be BS-01 and Rs 17011 will be your monthly pay. During your job, every day, you will get the bonus in the form of daily allowance and its amount is Rs 643.
We will be doing more of the discussion on Ministry Of Religious Affairs And Interfaith Harmony Salary section, so remain connected and have the updated info on salary pay packages. Note that all the above pen down pays, they revise and pass through many increment processes only on the yearly basis.