We have collected the information for you on Pakistan audit and accounts service salary pay scales. Check out all the details from this source. This department hires various pay scale officers and here we will only talk and discuss the salaries of bs 16 bs 17 officers. First, we have BS 16 pay scale officer and the average salary which is given to this officer, it is Rs. 18910 -Rs. 64510. Then moving on to the pay scale of BPS 17 and this specific officer monthly salary is about Rs. 30370- Rs. 76370. This is the tentative and completely estimated figure. These are not actually confirm and you can see a bit variation in them. Like there can be a little difference in the minimum pay numbers or there can be a minor level difference in the maximum salary numbers. On an average basis, this is the salary which is handed over to the subjected pay scale officers.
Pakistan Audit And Accounts Service Salary Pay Scales
This auditing and accounts department is one of the crucial departments which works at the provincial and federal level. It hires different scale officers and their pay scale is finalized as well as their salary is finalized on their experience and education qualification factors. If the job title demands less number of working experience and less educational qualification then your scale will fall at the junior level. And if more years of working experience is required and highly qualified candidate is needed then he will be placed on the senior level scale category.
This is all collected and gathered information on Pakistan audit and accounts service salary pay scales. We will sooner share more job positions which work for the department of Pakistan audit and accounts service and we will tell you about their salaries. Right now, we have just touched the stats of BS-16, BS-17 posts and rest of the scales and their pays will be mentioned in a few days.