Pakistan Navy Officers Salary Pay Scale Rank Allowances

This page will give you the in depth amount of information about Pakistan Navy Officers Salary and their Pay Scale Rank and too Allowances. In this department of Pakistan Navy, we have many posts of officers, like you can get hired on the direct commissioned officer post, post of supplementary reserve officer, post of regular reserve officers. These posts of officers, they get different range of allowances as well. like regular reserve officers, their outfit perk is Rs 325. For these supplementary reserve officers, their outfit allowance is Rs 900. You can be hired as a professional officer. so have idea for Pakistan Navy Officers Salary to know the best way

Pakistan Navy Officers list and pay scale and grade details

  • In this professional officer category, first we will talk about operations branch officers. These Operations branch Sub-lieutenants, they join this Naval Engineering College for a time frame of 2-1/2 years. These officers have to undergo and continue with their engineering degree programme related to the field of Electronics. These Operations branch officers also undergo professional and trained courses. They learn about Surface Warfare, course of Under Water Warfare, course of Electronic Warfare, training on Communications, training on Navigation and Operations.
  • Now we have these mechanical branch officers, they have to carry out with their 2-1/2 years further amount of training right at PN Engineering College related and linked with the discipline of Mechanical Engineering. These logistic branch officers, they join this School of Logistics and Management which is affiliated and linked with Institute of Business Administration. They get 2 years of training and then these officers get their competency certificates.

Pak Navy Salary

  • For the engineering cadets, they have to carry out their training mode of 26 weeks which will be done at PNA. Later on these Graduate entry cadets, they will be promoted to the post of Midshipman and then they will join ships. Then these Midshipmen officers are commissioned as the post of Sub-Lieutenants. so have idea for Pakistan Navy Midshipmen Salary  here.
  • Through the Short Service Commission, you can be on the post of Officers and you can link yourself with the branches of Education Branch, Special Branch, Law Branch.

We have mentioned you the grade and pay scale information of these Pakistan Navy Officers. This institution of Pakistan navy, they have opened and revealed many posts for individuals. Like for this Officers category, you will have many choices. Stay tuned so that more Pakistani naval officers posts can be shared.

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