The latest news and details on President Secretariat Islamabad Salaries Salary are here for you. In this zone, we see the presence and operations of different staff members. The important posts who serve in the President Secretariat Islamabad, they are the positions of director public relations as well as assistant director camp office. You will know their salaries information from here. The scale which is given to the job title of director public relations, it is BS-19. The minimum range of their basic pay is Rs. 59210 and the maximum range and figures of their basic pay, they are Rs. 120210. These officers increment amount is Rs 3050. This data is subject to revision. We have given you the salary information amount which is all subject to the revisions and changes. Note down that it is the duty of these public relations directors to develop and also to execute strategies. They create and uphold, retain the positive image for the sake of their respective service body. These officials have to form relationships with a large number of members of media and government, and also form links with public and other directors.
President Secretariat Islamabad Salaries Salary
In this section of President Secretariat Islamabad Salaries Salary, we have another post and it is the position of an assistant director BS-17 camp office, the per month salary for this post of director, it is Rs 52486.
If more information will be revealed on this zone of President Secretariat Islamabad Salaries Salary, we will tell you and share those latest details with you. Just the two important job position salaries are shared with the readers, to further explore the working staff salaries of President Secretariat, keep in touch with us. As the extreme latest pays numbers are provided to you and we hope that we continue to give you further latest information.