Punjab health department junior technician salary in Pakistan information is here collected for our readers. This junior technician surgical technology operation theater assistant, junior technician working as a sterilizer operator,we have pathology technology sample collection assistant and radiology and imaging technology radiographer, their scale is BS-09. And these junior technicians are also working as pathology technology lab assistant, radiology and imaging technology dark room assistant on this same scale. Their monthly salary is Rs 21121. Working in this Punjab healthcare department, it means you will get other allowances. In this per month total salary packed, the specific staff person will get ad hoc relief allowance, conveyance and house rent accommodation perk and allowance. This is the current salary of these junior technicians and the same pay scale is given to them no matter they serve in the departments of this healthcare department.
Punjab Health Department Junior Technician Salary In Pakistan
It is on the revealing phase of new budget that the salaries of every single government person is increased. The basic pays, the list of their perks and allowances are increased. Here as we focus on the position of junior technician and this is the important post which serves in the health care section of any province. These technicians serve as pathology technology assistants, lab assistants, radiology and imaging technology assistants, dark room assistants.
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[/junkie-alert]This is all about Punjab health department junior technician salary in Pakistan. The present pay information is given to you, if in the future time you are given the job title of this post, then note that this is the average salary in terms of minimum and maximum per month pay which you will get. Stay tuned and more details on junior technician salary shall be given. Which else pay scale info and detailing you want to get, let us know.