Sindh Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS

If you want to get valid facts about Sindh Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS then all concerned readers remain to get connected on this page. For the information, this Sindh government and its respective departments, they have revised and further updated the grade scale of their employees.

From this page, you can check out these complete revision details. To those Sindh government officers who are working on this BPS 14 scale, Rs. 15180 amount is now officially their minimum salary range and Rs. 50280 amount is their official one maximum salary range. Those officers who are linked with category of BPS 16 Pay Scale, the official figures of their minimum pay is Rs. 18910 and valid and current figures of their maximum salary is Rs. 64510. Below you can have a look at more of the details about Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS Of Sindh Government Of Pakistan

Revised Pay Scale 2025


This page is officially here to give you regular updates about revised pay scale BPS of Sindh government of Pakistan. Now we will discuss about the revision which is made in this category and area of BPS-17 Pay Scale and these officers revised salary has reached to Rs. 30370 – Rs. 76370 figures and their increment amount is revised up to Rs 2300.

Sindh Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS

First of all we will talk about the revision which is made in the salary category for these BPS 05 officers. Their minimum salary has reached to Rs. 10260 figures and their maximum salary and income has now reached to Rs. 25260 explained Sindh Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS. These BPS 07 scale officers have also seen revision in their basic pay category and note down that their minimum pay is now Rs. 10990 and their maximum pay is now Rs. 29290.  If these BPS 09 officers are looking for these revision details then they can also know about these changes that Rs. 11770 amount has come out as their minimum salary and Rs. 33670 has turned out as their maximum salary range.

Pension rules In Pakistan

This category and area line of BPS-19 Pay Scale, these officers salaries are revised too and now their current salary has reached to Rs. 59210 – Rs. 120210. This one category of BPS 20 Pay Scale post about Sindh Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS, now these officers will get Rs. 69090 as their minimum pay and maximum amount of their basic income will be Rs. 132230. This second last category is of BPS 21 Pay Scale and these officers will now be currently getting Rs. 76720 – Rs. 146720 as the average amount of their basic income. The last category and grade scale is of BPS 22 Pay Scale and it is notified on official terms by Sindh government that this scale will Rs. 82380 – Rs 164560 as their basic salary income. Do not go anywhere and we will share more stats and more important facts and updates about revised pay scale 2019.

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