The salary of federal minister in Pakistan salary of mna in Pakistan 2019 details are here collected for the readers. For these MNAs, we mean member of national assembly, then these federal ministers, their salaries numbers are nor revealed yet. But you can have an idea on all the allowances which are received by them. It is on the monthly basis that these MNAs are given equipment allowance, sumptuary allowance. They are also given official residence, transport and traveling allowance and too daily allowance. These officers are provided with the amounts of medical facilities, provident fund and they receive this compensation fund as well. They are provided and served with the compensation amount in case of any kind of air accidents. This is the complete list of allowances which are given to the national assembly members and to the federal ministers. Constant revision is made in this section on the yearly basis.
Salary Of Federal Minister In Pakistan Salary Of MNA In Pakistan 2019
We will keep you informed more about the details of salary of federal minister in Pakistan salary of mna in Pakistan 2019. Moreover, you should note down these these national assembly members are given provision of personal staff, one personal assistant and also one private secretary. We can say that a maximum number of allowances are given to these federal ministers and also same set of perks and benefits are given and handed over to provincial ministers. There is a little difference in pays of these national assembly and provincial assembly members.
This is all updated info on salary of federal minister in Pakistan salary of mna in Pakistan 2019. We will regularly and constantly keep you informed that when MNAs salary will be revised and what other allowances and perks will be added in their salary sheet! All these details are going to be put up sooner.