The department of the sindh police is doing very good so Sindh Police Constable Salary 2024 explained for controlling the criminal factors from the sindh and the police department continuously offered their lives for saving the peace environment and trying to provide the safe and secure environment for the people of the sindh.
The department of the sindh police has offered the vacancies for the young people who are interested in joining the police department. Now days the department has announced the job of the sindh police constable. On this page we are giving you the information’s about the salary and the benefits allowances for the gentry who are keenly interested in this job. so have idea for Sindh Police Constable Salary 2024.
Revised Pay Scale 2025
BPS | Scale Year | MIN | INCR | MAX |
1 | 2025 | 11720 | 380 | 23120 |
2 | 2025 | 11950 | 430 | 24850 |
3 | 2025 | 13340 | 510 | 27640 |
4 | 2025 | 12710 | 580 | 30100 |
5 | 2025 | 13180 | 650 | 32680 |
6 | 2025 | 13280 | 730 | 35180 |
7 | 2025 | 14110 | 800 | 38110 |
8 | 2025 | 16610 | 880 | 14010 |
9 | 2025 | 15110 | 950 | 43610 |
10 | 2025 | 15610 | 1040 | 46810 |
11 | 2025 | 16140 | 1150 | 50640 |
12 | 2025 | 17100 | 1250 | 54600 |
13 | 2025 | 18310 | 1370 | 59410 |
14 | 2025 | 19490 | 1530 | 65390 |
15 | 2025 | 20700 | 1730 | 72600 |
16 | 2025 | 24280 | 1980 | 83680 |
17 | 2025 | 38990 | 2990 | 98790 |
18 | 2025 | 49210 | 3740 | 124010 |
19 | 2025 | 75990 | 3970 | 155390 |
20 | 2025 | 88650 | 5870 | 170830 |
21 | 2025 | 76720 | 5000 | 146720 |
22 | 2025 | 82380 | 5870 | 164560 |
Here we are giving the salary packages for the job of sindh police constable. It could be much more then this figure because the authority of the department set the salary package for the candidate. The income minimally according to the basic pay scale 05 would be 8,590 and maximally 21,190 and the increment on the annually basis is 420.which is quite good and with the arrival of the annual budget the increments would be expected in the monthly salary of the sindh police constable.
Sindh Police Constable Salary 2024
There are some requirements for this job of the sindh police constable that are domicile should be of the Karachi. Basic qualifications are metric pass from any board of secondary education that is affiliated with the sindh board. Both male and the females are eligible for the sindh police constable 2024. Chest size 33 to 34, height 5feet 5 inches and candidate can run 1.6 km in 7 mint and for ladies 5 feet and 800 meter walk in 14 mints. There is restrictions regarding the age that is 18 to 28 years and there is no relaxation in the age criteria.
Let us have a look at the information of this post of Sindh Police Constable Salary 2024 and their Basic Pay Scale, information of their Allowances. Its grade scale and basic pay scale is BPS-05. It is a junior grade post.
- Minimum salary 2024: Rs 10260
- Maximum salary 2024: Rs 25260
- Yearly increment 2024: Rs 500
With regard to their allowances and details of their incentives, these Constable officers, they get house rent and special allowance from this Sindh police department. These officers who are on basic pay scale os BPS-05, they get ad hoc allowance as well. Daily allowance is received in ordinary and special rate form. Their ordinary rate is rs 624 and their special rate is Rs 880.
From these rates we can have this analysis that if these Constable officers Sindh Police Constable Scale will spend their nights and do their duties in ordinary stations then they will get these ordinary daily allowance rates. On the other hand, if these BPS-05 grade officers will complete their duty in special out of stations that includes Azad Jammu and Kashmit and Muzaffarabad then they will get special daily allowance rates.
25% risk allowance
20% special allowance to CTD personnel
Now take a look at the job description of these Constable officers who are working in Sindh police. The above considered as CTD Sindh Police Constable Salary. They have to carry out with their process of investigation related to grave crimes. Theyb have to complete the processing related to the making and also receiving of special reports. They will be carrying out the task of Administrative supervision. These constable officers have to take all preventive measures. They have to maintain all of the up-to-date records of all criminals right in their district and region. These officers also have to carry out other number and range of subsidiary duties as well. He has to supervise all of the operations related to any crime, he has to give reports to his senior police officers.
He has to give periodic amount of information right to his senior officers and that too at regular intervals of time.n So all perspective deals with Sindh Police Salary List 2024. He can undertake certain and particular amount of special kinds and types of intelligence operations. Stay tuned and more information and job description details of this constable post will be shared. You can go through with their updated 2024 basic salary and income figures for one more time.
If the applicant is related from any kind of the government level job and fulfilling the requirements of the Sindh Police Constable Salary 2024 having the equal chances to qualify. After the Physical test applicants will call for the written test and both tests will be contacted by the NTS. The department of the police has the right to increase and decrease the vacancies of the jobs without answering anybody. No TA or DA will be given to the applicants.
If readers wants to grab some conclusive information on Sindh police pay scale constable 2024, Salaries, Pay Scale, Benefits, Incentives, Allowances then you are at the right page. Note this important fact that this post of constable is the junior most post. This post works on the basic salary scale of BPS 05. These constable officers minimum and maximum salary is shared over here. This will be their revised salary figure and amount.
Note that readers do not have to consider these salaries as final and confirm pay because salaries of these constables see regular revisions and regular increments are made in their basic salary category. These officers get Rs. 10260 as the minimum amount of their basic salary. And on the other hand, these officers who are on constable post, Rs. 25260 is their maximum salary. These constables get Rs 500 increment as well. As yearly increments are done in their salaries. Likewise, if in the current year, these constable salaries have seen 5% increase then it can be hope that 10% salary increase shall be done in constable salary area in the later on years. Rest of the information about Sindh police pay scale constable 2024 can be checked from below written details
These Sindh police salaries constable 2024 have been mentioned above. These Sindh police benefits constable 2024 are in their basic forms and types. These constables get ad hoc perk and house rent incentive. These officers also officially get paid leaves and too leave encashment. More of the info on Sindh police incentives constable 2024 is coming up. You can stay tuned and we will highlight more info regarding Sindh police allowances constable 2024. As we have told the salaries of constables working in Sindh police, these constables get same salary if they work in Punjab on in KPK province. Note that same perks and also same benefits are given to these constable officers.
This is the current info all about Sindh police pay scale constable 2024. These BS-05 grade scale officers regularly get increments and bonuses. Increment policy is usually followed on a per year basis. Like these constables only get an increment for one single time in a year. Rest is upto that department that how much bonuses they need to give to their employees. These Sindh police officers get eid bonus, performance bonus as well.
When the latest and fresh copy of budget 2024 will be announced by the federal government then a revision and increment will be made in Sindh police constable post too. Rest of the information and complete detailing regarding other Sindh police officers and employees is coming up, so stay tuned and regularly be in connection with us.
From this page, you can have the details of Sindh Police Salary Constable and their Basic Pay Scale And Allowances. For the information of all readers, this Constable post of Sindh police department, their pay scale is BPS- 05. Their minimum basic salary range is Rs. 10260 and their maximum basic pay range is of Rs. 25260. Their yearly increment is of amount Rs 500.
Constable Salary details in Sindh police department
- Their Grade and pay scale is BPS- 05
- Minimum basic amount of salary and income range is: Rs. 10260. These are the figures of 2017. Now, Constable officers will have this much amount of minimum salary and these orders have come out in official effective form right from July 1st, 2017.
- Maximum basic amount of pay and income: Rs. 25260. These are also updated figures of 2017.
- Increment value for Constable officers: Rs 500. This amount of Rs 500, it is given on per year basis.
Constable officer Allowances in Sindh police department
- Ad hoc allowance, Ad hoc relief perk. Special pay incentive, Special pay allowance and House rent incentive. Daily allowance in ordinary and special rates form.
Constable job description in Sindh police department
These officers have duty to preserve crime scenes and they also present and show evidence in courts. They have to come out as one of the fully and wholly competent officers. They can too specialise in any of the particular areas and departments of of policing. They can do specialization in CID or in the field of Road Policing. They can be specialized in Licensing, in the department of Support Unit. You should have requisite skills, you should have excess potential to get appointed on Constable officer job post.
These Constable officers, they are guards for the citizens of Pakistan. They are guards of residential, commercial and government properties. If they see any strange activity happening in their areas, then they have to take notice of it. They should give daily and regular reports to their senior officers. These Constable officers are in charge of small towns and small societies. They should make sure that their town and society should remain secured and protected from evil eyes and crimes. These officers should make efforts and should make 100% attempts to decrease the level and number of crimes in their societies and towns.
If readers wants to grab some conclusive information on Sindh police pay scale constable 2024, Salaries, Pay Scale, Benefits, Incentives, Allowances then you are at the right page. Note this important fact that this post of constable is the junior most post. This post works on the basic salary scale of BPS 05. These constable officers minimum and maximum salary is shared over here. This will be their revised salary figure and amount.
Note that readers do not have to consider these salaries as final and confirm pay because salaries of these constables see regular revisions and regular increments are made in their basic salary category. These officers get Rs. 10260 as the minimum amount of their basic salary. And on the other hand, these officers who are on constable post, Rs. 25260 is their maximum salary. These constables get Rs 500 increment as well. As yearly increments are done in their salaries. Likewise, if in the current year, these constable salaries have seen 5% increase then it can be hope that 10% salary increase shall be done in constable salary area in the later on years. Rest of the information about Sindh police pay scale constable 2024 can be checked from below written details
These Sindh police salaries constable 2024 have been mentioned above. These Sindh police benefits constable 2024 are in their basic forms and types. These constables get ad hoc perk and house rent incentive. These officers also officially get paid leaves and too leave encashment. More of the info on Sindh police incentives constable 2024 is coming up. You can stay tuned and we will highlight more info regarding Sindh police allowances constable 2024. As we have told the salaries of constables working in Sindh police, these constables get same salary if they work in Punjab on in KPK province. Note that same perks and also same benefits are given to these constable officers.
This is the current info all about Sindh police pay scale constable 2024. These BS-05 grade scale officers regularly get increments and bonuses. Increment policy is usually followed on a per year basis. Like these constables only get an increment for one single time in a year. Rest is upto that department that how much bonuses they need to give to their employees. These Sindh police officers get eid bonus, performance bonus as well.
When the latest and fresh copy of budget 2024 will be announced by the federal government then a revision and increment will be made in Sindh police constable post too. Rest of the information and complete detailing regarding other Sindh police officers and employees is coming up, so stay tuned and regularly be in connection with us.
Karachi police department has very tremendous records for saving the lives of the people of the Karachi. The criminal groups have targeted the innocent people for collecting the money. Karachi was under the control of the terrorists and the population of the Karachi was not feeling safe there. To control this tough scenario Karachi police department has offered so many police officers’ lives to finish the criminal factors from the city of the Karachi. To fulfill the deficiency in the department of the police new vacancies being offered for the people who are interested in serving the Pakistan. The department of the Karachi police invited the young man to join the Karachi police constable post and serve the country of Pakistan. so it is Karachi Police Constable Salary 2024 at this page
The Karachi police constable works on the basic pay scale 05. According to the revised basic pay scale 2017 the salary would be 6,985 and maximally 17,185 and the annual increment on every 1st December and the 30 stages are left in the job career.
There are some qualifications for the post of Karachi police constable is the person who are interested in this post of the constable should have the domicile of Karachi. It is very important part for the joining the police department. Main requirement for the post of the constable is metric or above passed from board of secondary education that is located in sindh. Both men and females are equally eligible for this post. Chest size 33 to 34.5, height 5 feet and 5 inch, and the candidate can run 1. 6 km in total 7 mints and for ladies height should be 5 feet and applicants can walk 800 meters in total 14 minutes. There is the restriction regarding the age 18 is the minimum age and 28 at the maximum rate. There is no relaxation in the age criteria for the candidates who are applying for the Karachi police constable.
If the applicant is already servant of the government and fulfilling the all conditions of this post then he or she can apply for the Karachi police constable. The individual who is successfully qualifying the physical test the authority would call him for the written test and both tests would be conducted by the NTS. No TA or DA will give to the applicants.