Tehsildar Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale Grade Pay Allowance

So, let me tell you Tehsildar Salary In Pakistan I about 50,000 To 60,000 as per below basic pay scale. In our country Pakistan, this Tehsildar post has the grade scale of BS-16. Their basic pays are Rs 15,880 and they are the minimum one, their maximum basic salaries are Rs. 54,280 and they get an increment of Rs 1280 on a yearly basis.

This post is one of the most influential posts and seats in our country. Whoever gets allotted on this post, he gets in contact with the notable and prominent people of his area. It is seen that the nomenclature of tehsildar, it varies from different province to province.

For example in Sindh, we call them with the name of taulkadar or we call them with this title mukhtiarkar. We give them the title of tehsildar in the province of Punjab. In the province of balochistan, we call them as treasury officers. They work with the the finance department.

They have their tasks and all assignments linked with the finance department of Pakistan. They work under the Deputy commissioner of that area where they are posted. They report Deputy Commissioner on the regular basis related to the working of Finance department. so have the idea for Tehsildar Salary Pakistan.

Revised Pay Scale 2025


Tehsildar BS-16 basic pay scale information and figures

  • In Punjab province, this Tehsildar BS-16 post, they have basic minimum pay Rs 15,880, their maximum pay is Rs. 54,280 and they receive an increment of Rs 1280 on each single year.
  • In Sindh province, this Tehsildar BS-16 post, these officers have the basic minimum pay of Rs 15,880 and their maximum basic pay is Rs. 54,280, they get an increment of Rs 1280 on each of the single years till their retirement.
  • In KPK, this Tehsildar BS-16 post, their basic minimum pay is about Rs 15,880 and their maximum pay is Rs. 54,280, their increment range is Rs 1280.
  • In Balochistan, this Tehsildar BS-16 post, officers have the basic minimum pay Rs 15,880 and their maximum pay is  Rs. 54,280, they get and have the increment of Rs 1280.

Tehsildar Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale Grade Pay Allowances

Salary Pakistan

In Federal, this Tehsildar BS-16 post, they get their basic minimum pay of Rs 15,880 and they have their maximum basic pay of Rs. 54,280, increment is of Rs 1280.

The above mentioned and above written basic one pay scale figures are of 2016. They are also subject to change. As soon as the concerned department will upload and update the 2017 basic pay grade scales, we will share them.

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