Upgradation Of Clerical Staff In Federal Government 2022, Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Blochistan

Talking about details on upgradation of clerical staff in federal government 2022, Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Blochistan, here you need to read all of the information mentioned on this post. This federal government and other provincial governments, they have revised the scales of their clerical staff, here is the info for you, So according to this upgradation, these BPS 05 officers, their latest and current salary range is Rs. 10260 and now the average range of their maximum salary has come out to be and officially declared as Rs. 25260.

It is officially declared for these BPS 07 officers that the minimum amount of their basic salary is now of Rs. 10990 amount and their maximum pay amount has come out as Rs. 29290. This federal government  has announced the revised salary of these BPS 09 officers too and their minimum one basic pay is upgraded up to amount of Rs. 11770 and their maximum pay revised amount has come out up to the amount of Rs. 33670.

These BPS 14 scale officers, this government of Pakistan has announced that their minimum salary range will be of official amount Rs. 15180 and the range of their maximum basic salary will now come out on these official terms and up to amount of Rs. 50280. Below you can check out further information about upgradation of clerical staff in federal government 2022.

This is the revised upgradation of clerical staff in Punjab and same updates are made in the upgradation of clerical staff in KPK. According to the details of upgradation of clerical staff in Sindh and upgradation of clerical staff in Blochistan, these BPS-17 officers average amount and basic pay will come out to be of amount Rs. 30370 – Rs. 76370. Then for this BPS-19 official post, this Rs. 59210 amount is their minimum income range, Rs. 120210 is now their maximum salary range.

Upgradation Of Clerical Staff In Federal Government 2022, Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Blochistan

Revised Pay Scale 2025


This is all of the explanation about upgradation of clerical staff in federal government 2022. So if any of the clerical staff employee work for this federal government, or if he is serving in the provincial department, he has to keep in mind this upgradation and all of the latest news. Readers have to understand these details and stats on the fact that these revisions and all updates are subject to the changes.

After one year, more upgrades and revisions will be done in this clerical staff employee salaries. So to catch up those future revisions and upgrades, stay connected with us. All employees linked with the clerical staff line, they can check these latest details for one more time. We will classify this information and all details further on the federal government and provincial government sector wise basis.

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