Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018 Pakistan, Punjab, KPK, Federal, Sindh, Balochistan

Talking about the complete details about adhoc relief allowance 2018 Pakistan, Punjab, KPK, Federal, Sindh, Balochistan, you are at the correct page. The government of Pakistan gives this adhoc relief allowance to their employees no matter they are serving in Punjab, Sindh province or they are working in KPK and Balochistan province. We will share recent and latest figures with you. Note that this allowance has been increased and all enhanced upto 10% amount. If you are on BS-01 scale or you are at the BS-22, BS-17 scale then this allowance of yours will be increased upto the range of 10%. These revisions are done by federal government of Pakistan. As their senior officers and policy expert makers devise the details and stats of budget, that is why it is also their responsibility to make revisions and some official changes in this category of adhoc relief allowance.

Normally it is seen that 10% increase is done. Talking about all basic and lump sum salaries of these officers, if you are on BS-01 scale then your range of salary will be Rs. 9130- Rs290- Rs 17830. Former figure is the minimum salary figure, middle figure is the increment figure and later figures are the figures of maximum salary. For the government officers who are on BS-02 scale, then their salary range will be Rs. 9310- Rs 330- Rs 19210. Coming to the BS-03 scale, these officers get minimum and maximum range of basic and fix salary of Rs. 9610- Rs 390- Rs 21310. Check out more details about adhoc relief allowance 2018 from here.

Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018 Pakistan, Punjab, KPK, Federal, Sindh, Balochistan

Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018 Pakistan

This same percentage will be followed right in the category of adhoc relief allowance Pakistan, Punjab. Note that adhoc relief allowance Pakistan, KPK revision is upto 10% as well. And same is the amount of criteria which is followed by the section of adhoc relief allowance Pakistan, Federal. If readers wants to grab more details about adhoc relief allowance Pakistan, Sindh and also about the section of adhoc relief allowance Pakistan, Balochistan then stay tuned. Again note that overall increase in this adhoc relief allowance category is 10%. For the officers who are on BS-04 scale, their range of salary has the stats of Rs. 9900- Rs 440- Rs 23100 And these BS-05 scale officers salary range is Rs. 10260- Rs 500- Rs 25260. If any one works on the scale of BS-06 then his salary and average range will be from Rs. 10620- Rs 560- Rs 27420.

This is complete conclusive and official information about adhoc relief allowance 2018. If someone wants to receive more info on this specific allowance category then remain connected with us. We will further give you information about other types and kinds of allowances.

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