Agriculture Department Sindh Salaries Salary Pay Scale

The complete information and all of the updated details on agriculture department Sindh salaries salary pay scale are here attached on this page. We are obvious about these facts that this agriculture department which is the part of this province of Sindh, they hire different professionals in their departments. Here the single job position is going to be discussed and it is the post of a beldar. We know that it is the extreme junior level and for the information the scale which is given to beldar job position, it is BS-01. You should also note down that the monthly salary of this person, it is Rs 17746. This is the current salary information and if you are working for the agriculture department for the province of Punjab and you are on beldar post, then you will be given the same salary. When revision will be made only in this post, we will let you know. This department which belongs to the agriculture side, they have issued and highlighted the pay scale of this post and for the reason that, we have told you the monthly pay of this job title.

Agriculture Department Sindh Salaries Salary Pay Scale

Discussing more of the details on this section of agriculture department Sindh salaries salary pay scale, it is the job duty of the specific person that he has to fetch water. His only duty is to draw water.

governemnt employs

If we will receive more of the details on agriculture department Sindh salaries salary pay scale, we will obviously let you know. Right now as well as at the present moment, you can keep in mind this information that BS-01 scale is granted to the position of this beldar. If this department of agriculture will issue more pay scales or any salary info about their employees, then we are going to publish that information too on this page.


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