If you want to get an idea regarding the category of AJK Deputy District Education Officer Salary In Pakistan, then we can explain it to you. You have to note down that if any person is working on this subjected post, then the scale which is assigned and given to this post, it is now BS-17 and Rs 52486 is the monthly pay given to these officers. This salary is subject to change and revision as well at the same time. As this is the current per month income information and as soon as change will be done in this BS-17 scale salary area, we will inform you.
AJK Deputy District Education Officer Salary In Pakistan
As the exact figures on AJK Deputy District Education Officer Salary In Pakistan are told to you. Now you must know that how can you acquire and grab this basic pay scale positions and what job duties you have to complete. It will be your duty to offer and serve yourself with complete teaching services. You will be making arrangements for courses compilation phase and to develop any of the educational objectives.
You have to ensure that all sorts of educational programs are meeting the standards and too quality of performance. You come up with the development plans for the sake of education services. Then educational resources are usually made and developed by them. These officers do the training and too staff development.
[junkie-alert style=”red”] AJK District Education Officer Salary In Pakistan Pay Scale [/junkie-alert]If we will get more of the updated information on AJK Deputy District Education Officer Salary In Pakistan, we will convey that info over here. Yearly revisions are always made in these salary packages and no matter you work in the education department of Punjab province or Sindh province, you will get same and similar pays on monthly basis and terms. Keep in touch with us.