Assistant Director IB Salary 2023, Basic Pay Scale, Benefits, Incentives

Details of assistant director IB salary 2023, Basic Pay Scale, Benefits, Incentives, Allowances are mentioned below. In this IB Pakistan department, this post of assistant director is one of the highest and senior ones. Normally this post has grade scale of BS-17 but when it comes to IB Pakistan department, they have not till now and so far disclosed their assistant directors pay and salary scales.

But we will give you the rough details that what benefits are given to these AD officers who are working in intelligence bureau Pakistan. These directors mainly develop and implement different plans and strategies. They set targets and goals for each of the specific departments assistant director ib salary.

These directors help other departments and their junior officers in successfully completing their targets. These assistant directors also work with rest of the directors so that more supervision and co-ordination can be seen in the daily operations. They ensure follow up of all regulations. This post ensures that internal policies of their agency work on professional and operational terms. Below you can grab more more information on Assistant Director IB salary 2023.

This Assistant Director IB basic pay scale 2023 is not officially known. But we can give you some officially detailings on Assistant Director IB benefits 2023. These directors working in IB Pakistan, they get medical allowance for their family and parents. Then subsidized education is given to all of their kids. These Assistant Director IB incentives 2023 details are mentioned over here on latest and current terms. Moving on with more Assistant Director IB allowances 2023, these AD officers get fuel and house rent facility.

Assistant Director IB Salary 2023, Basic Pay Scale, Benefits, Incentives

Revised Pay Scale 2025


These assistant directors have to work on competent basis. They need to handover their support to their senior directors. They monitor further and future progress levels. These officers devise ways and plans so that productivity of each of their department can be enhanced. Any individual who wish to be on this assistant director post, he or she has to be well versed and should be capable regarding operations management tasks.

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Complete monitoring is done by these officers so that objectives can be attained on time. These senior grade officers undertake different staffing responsibilities like hiring and training as well evaluation related duties. If you have a proven and lengthy experience then you deserve to be on the post of assistant director. Other skills like problem solving, administration skills, they should be present in the candidates applying for this post. You can regularly keep in touch with us and we are going to tell you more explained and in-detail stats on Assistant Director IB salary 2023. It is exactly after 12 months time gap, that is after a year time gap that these AD officers get an increase and further increment in their fixed basic salaries.

2 thoughts on “Assistant Director IB Salary 2023, Basic Pay Scale, Benefits, Incentives”

  1. Asslamualikum I want to know about assistant director IB power’s over police rangers and army and what vehicle do they get in their service and how much house rent they get and mainly I want to ask is assistant director IB is more powerful or assistant director FIA and do they have to do operations? Plz reply if cannot reply publicly the email me


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