Chemist Salary In Pakistan, Basic Pay Scale And Allowances, Benefits

If you are looking for details of Chemist Salary In Pakistan, Basic Pay Scale And Allowances, Benefits then here you are. Note that this job post of chemist, its grade scale is BS-17 and here you will know about their current 2017 minimum and maximum basic salaries. We will also make you aware that what allowances and benefits are received by these chemist officers. For this year 2017 and with the arrival of budget 2017, minimum salary of these chemist officers is Rs 30370 and their maximum salary is Rs 76370 and their increment value which has been inducted on them in this year of 2017 is Rs 2300. Get further details of Chemist Salary In Pakistan from this page.

If you want to become a chemist and you wants to have details of province by province salary information of these chemist officers then we have also information regarding this area. If these BS-17 grade officers on the post of chemist are working in Punjab province or if they are on the post of chemist while working in the Sindh province then this Rs 30370 will be their minimum salary amount and their maximum salary amount and range will be Rs 76370. For this year 2017, Rs 2300 increment value has been finalized for these BS-17 grade chemist officers.

In same manner, if you are in Balochistan province or if you are working in KPK province as chemist then same salary will be enjoyed by you. This Chemist Basic Pay Scale In Pakistan is BS-17 as already mentioned to you. Talking about Chemist Allowances In Pakistan, there are many, these chemist officers get rent and house allowance as well as ad-hoc allowance and too ad-hoc relief allowance. More of the Chemist Benefits In Pakistan will be updated to you.

Chemist Salary In Pakistan, Basic Pay Scale And Allowances, Benefits

Chemist Salary

You should know that it is the job of these chemists to prepare and make test solutions and compounds and also reagents so that they can conduct test. They analyze all of the organic compounds and inorganic compounds so that they can come in a position to determine and propose chemical properties and physical properties of elements. These chemists have job task to analyze and assess test information so that they can determine and find out the process regarding the diagnosis of malfunctions. This Chemist Salary In Pakistan is subject to revision too. We have mentioned these 2017 salary figures with you.

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