Deputy Chief Salary In Pakistan, BPS Basic Pay Scale, Allowances

If candidates are looking for details of deputy chief salary In Pakistan, BPS Basic Pay scale, allowances then here we can give you all information. This post of deputy chief, it has the grade scale of BS-19. Yes it is a high scale job and on this page, you will know current salaries and current income status of these deputy chief officers. We will mention and give you 2017 figures of their salaries. These salary figures are subject to any revision and change as well. If any change will occur in the salaries of deputy chief officers, we will share with you. But right now, these officers get minimum basic salary of Rs. 59210 and maximum basic pay of Rs. 120210, increment of Rs 3050 amount. Further details of this deputy chief salary In Pakistan are mentioned below.

This deputy chief BPS officer, they get same amount of salaries no matter that these deputy chief officers are working in Punjab province or in Sindh province. This deputy chief Basic Pay scale officer, if he is working in KPK or in serving in Punjab region, is he works in Sindh region then his minimum basic income and salary is of Rs. 59210 and his maximum basic income and pay is of Rs. 120210 and his  increment value is of Rs 3050 amount. These deputy chief allowances are many in number and quantity. They get and receive house rent, ad hoc allowance as well as special pays and special bonuses.

If any one is on this post of deputy chief then he has this main duty and responsibility to supervise and lead all of the activities which are carrying out in his department. He will act as the sole supervisor. He will act as the leader for the rest of his team members.

Deputy Chief Salary In Pakistan, BPS Basic Pay Scale, Allowances

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This post of deputy chief, it is mainly and primarily the job line of assistant chief. Suppose you are linked with police department or you are associated with administrative department, taxation or auditing section then your and primary duties will be to give regular and on time reporting to your senior chief. As on the post and job line of deputy chief, you have to make sure that your team mates and your entire department is working properly. Just stay tuned and more details of deputy chief salary In Pakistan are coming soon.

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