Dietitian Pak Navy Salary In Pakistan, Basic Pay Scale And Allowances, Benefits

This page is here to give you details regarding dietitian Pak Navy salary in Pakistan, Basic Pay Scale And Allowances, Benefits. If you want to affiliate with Pak navy and you are about to get posted and hired on the post of dietitian then note that this job is of grade scale of BS-16. These BS-16 grade officers, their minimum salary is of range and amount of Rs 18190 and these officers on the post of dietitian, they get their maximum salary on the amount of Rs 64510 and their increment figures which have been finalized for the year 2017 is Rs 1520. Below are more of the details so know about dietitian Pak Navy salary in Pakistan.

Note that this dietitian Pak Navy basic pay scale is BS-16 and these dietitian Pak Navy Allowances are also many. If you are about to be enrolled on this post of dietitian then all related candidates should note that in this job, you will get ad-hoc allowance and monthly house rent, medical allowances are given and special pays are given too on the condition that you will be performing at your best during your job timings.

In Punjab province and like wise in this Sindh province and KPK province as well in Balohistan, these dietitians get same salaries. These figures 2017 which are mentioned above in the form of minimum salary and maximum salary, all these dietitians officers get same salaries no matter they are working in whatsoever province of Pakistan. We will sooner share more dietitian Pak Navy benefits with the readers.

Dietitian Pak Navy Salary In Pakistan, Basic Pay Scale And Allowances, Benefits

Pak Navy Salary

So this is all about dietitian Pak Navy salary in Pakistan. You should also know that this post of nutritionists, their job line and job duty is to assess any of the patients and too their health needs. They basically counsel patients regarding their nutrition issues.

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They tell them how to opt these healthy eating routines and habits. They make and come with the meal plans. They come up with customized details and information for each of the specific individuals.  They work in the capacity of consultants. In other words, they give medical nutrition therapy to their patients. They work in different food service settings like they work in cafeterias or hospitals, this post can work in prisons and they are wholly responsible to serve as Management dietitians.

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