Faisalabad development authority salaries salary information is here for you. If the person is working for this development authority department and he is appointed on the position of assistant director non technical BS-17 then his monthly salary will be Rs 52486. Then we have post of this junior clerk BS-11 for you and the per month pay and average salary which is given to this position, it is Rs 23269. You have to note down this important fact all the time that these salaries and all of the basic pay numbers, they pass through certain phases of revision. Likewise if you are working on the post of computer operator BS-09, then the pay which you will get, it is of the amount of Rs 21121. In the same way, if serving on the position of a tubewell operator BS-03, then the basic pay which will be rewarded to you, it will come out to be Rs 17741. Moving to the post of naib qasid BS-01, this development authority departmet gives Rs 17011 as the monthly salary to these employees.
Faisalabad Development Authority Salaries Salary
Moving on to more details of Faisalabad development authority salaries salary, if you want to know that how much is the per month of pay of sanitary worker BS-01, then here we have the correct information and these sanitary workers are given the per monthly pay and income of amount of Rs 17011. In the end, we have position of security guard BS-01, and these officers are given the amount of Rs 17011 on monthly basis.
If you have questions on these Faisalabad development authority salaries salary sections, then let us know. When the latest revision will be done and made in the salary area of development authority employees, we will update you on the first and prior note.