FIA Inspector Salary In Pakistan, FIA Salaries, Basic Pay Scale, Utilities

Details of FIA inspector salary in Pakistan, FIA Salaries, Basic Pay Scale, Utilities are over here mentioned on this page. This FIA stands for federal investigation agency and in this agency, there are uncountable job posts working on their specific and mentioned line of duties. Here we will only talk about the post of inspector. If you are linked with custom department or you are linked with the engineering department of FIA agency then these inspector officials will carry the basic pay scale of BS-11. These inspectors minimum salary is Rs 12570 and on the other hand, the maximum range and figure of their basic salary is Rs 38970. Then Rs 880 increment amount is given to these FIA inspectors. This is the current and most latest salary information which is released by this FIA federal investigation agency. You can further keep in touch with us and when more and recent salary revisions will be made in the post of inspector, we will update you then!

Rest check out more details on FIA inspector salary in Pakistan

Revised Pay Scale 2025


We have only discussed these FIA Salaries in Pakistan with respect to the post of inspector. And as we have told you that this FIA inspector basic pay scale in Pakistan is BS-11. Moving on with the details of FIA inspector utilities in Pakistan, these inspectors are being given medical perk, they are handed over ad hoc incentive, then they get fuel allowance. These salary revisions as well as these income changes are done by senior government officials.

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First federal budget is prepared and launched and then provincial budget details are being finalized. Provincial government officials then make suitable and average changes in the basic salary section of their employees. Note that this FIA agency is usually headed by the director general officer.

This DG officer is primarily appointed and hired by the Prime minister of Pakistan. This agency has its headquarters in Islamabad. It has its own and separate FIA academy which is also present in Islamabad. This FIA academy was opened in year of 1976. It was in 2002 when this subjected agency further opened its specialized wing which handles the cases linked with information technology and communication technology crimes.

Apart from the post of inspector, these forensic experts and cell phone forensics, then we have computer forensic experts and information system auditors, they also work in FIA agency. For more details about FIA inspector salary in Pakistan, we are going to update you on the most daily basis right over here on this platform. So above are the salary figures which are received by these FIA inspector officers and more, constant revision will occur and made in their salary income section.

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