Frontier Constabulary FC Salary In KPK Pakistan Pay Scale complete information is attached over here. This provincial zone of KPK, they have not revealed this information regarding the pay scale of this position but as this is an important post and many increments, allowances are given to this position. When we will come to know current pay of this post, we will too let you know. You should note down that Frontier Constabulary’s pivotal and important function, it is police the border which is present between the settled areas of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and also in between the Tribal areas so that residents can be protected against tribal incursions, criminal gangs which are operating all across the border.
Frontier Constabulary FC Salary In KPK Pakistan Pay Scale
More info on Frontier Constabulary FC Salary In KPK Pakistan Pay Scale will be conveyed to you. This Frontier Constabulary Salary In KPK Pakistan is based on the facts that whether you can perform these functions or not. Your duty will be to police the border exactly between the settled districts of province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and too tribal areas. You will support and assist provincial and local police.
These officers have to support military and other of the LEAs in terms of maintaining law and order. They strengthen writ of the government in turbulent areas. This position provide security to all of the diplomatic installations and diplomats as well as to related accoutrements, to sensitive kind of government installations and to VVIPs, VIPs. On this page, you will sooner collect the updated information on FC Salary In KPK Pakistan Pay Scale.
[junkie-alert style=”red”] Junior Clerk Salary In Balochistan Pay Scale [/junkie-alert]It is on these job duties that your salary is finalized. If you are assigned on this post, then share the job duties which you mainly perform and on the regular basis, we will keep you updated on the stats of Frontier Constabulary FC Salary In KPK Pakistan Pay Scale.
How does will be total salary.
Pay slip.50497810
rashan allowance.
Adhoc allowance.
Relief fund.
Basic pay.
588584 total tankhowa ma July