Intelligence Bureau Pakistan Salaries 2024

Check out the complete details about Intelligence Bureau Pakistan Salaries 2024 Pay Scale Benefits Allowances from here. We know that this intelligence bureau Pakistan opens many posts and many of the job openings in each and every year. Here we will give you these rough details that which posts are commonly and mainly opened by this Pakistan organization and how much salaries are offered to the individuals working in IB Pakistan.

First we have post of stenotypist. This post is quite common in IB Pakistan. It has grade scale of BS-14. This post of stenotypist has the minimum salary of amount Rs 15180 and these stenotypists get the maximum salary of amount ofRs 50280. These officers who are hired in the profession of stenotyping, they get increment of amount Rs 1170 on yearly basis. Then we have many data entry operators who do work in IB department of Pakistan.

This particular post is of scale BS-12. These data entry operators have the minimum salary of amount Rs 13320 and they get maximum salary Rs 42120. Further details about intelligence bureau Pakistan salaries 2024 is officially mentioned below.

Civilian Police Ranks In Pakistan
Senior Ranks
Inspector General of PoliceIGP PPO (Provisional Police Officer)BS 22/21
Additional Inspector GeneralAddl. IG/CCPOBS 21
Deputy Inspector General/Regional Police Officer/ City Police OfficerDIG/RPO/CPOBS 20
Senior Superintendent of Police/ Assistant Inspector GeneralSSP/AIGBS 19
Superintendent Of PoliceSPBS 18
Additional Superintendent of Police/ Deputy Superintendent of PoliceASP/ DSPBS 17
Junior Ranks
Station House Officer/Police InspectorSHOBS 16
Sub InspectorSIBS 14
Assistant Sub InspectorASIBS 09
Head ConstableBS 07
ConstableBS 05

This intelligence bureau Pakistan pay scale 2024 varies. Like if you are on post of stenotypist then your pay scale will be BS-14. And if you are on data entry operator post then your grade scale will be BS-12. These intelligence bureau Pakistan benefits 2024 comes in their revised forms.

Revised Pay Scale 2025


Intelligence Bureau Pakistan Salaries 2024 Pay Scale Benefits Allowances

More your salary will be, more benefits you will get. These intelligence bureau Pakistan allowances 2024 gets revised when revision in these IB employees minimum and maximum salaries is also seen.

The highest-paid employees belong to the Supreme Court, High Court, Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan, Federal Shariat Court and Federal Judicial Academy that are getting at least 300% higher pay than staff of the federal secretariat.

Likewise, staff of the President Secretariat and Prime Minister Secretariat is receiving 115% higher salaries than the federal secretariat employees.

The prime minister’s personal staff is also getting 115% higher pay whereas employees of the Federal Investigation Agency, NHA, National Motorway Police and Intelligence Bureau have 100% higher salaries.

The situation is no different for the regulatory bodies including Nepra, Ogra and Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) where employees are receiving 150% more pay.

We have mentioned Intelligence Bureau Pakistan Salaries 2024 Pay Scale Benefits Allowances for above two posts. Now we have post of dark room assistant. Its grade scale is BS-11. These dark room assistants get minimum salary of Rs 12570 and their maximum income is of amount Rs 38970. These dark room assistants receive their increment value of Rs 880.  Opting these government jobs is always a productive choice. We have mentioned these 2024 salary package details of intelligence bureau Pakistan employees. When latest budget will come then salaries and benefits of these IB Pakistan employees will be revised too. Revisions are always made in the salary packages of government employees. Stay connected with us and more revised information on salaries of intelligence bureau Pakistan will be shared with you.

These are the official details about Intelligence Bureau Pakistan Salaries 2024 Pay Scale Benefits Allowances. As these employees get house rent allowance, they receive ad hoc allowance apart from receiving their basic salaries. Government job is a lucrative and flexible job. As these government level jobs remain with you for good. Even after retirement, you get pension.

3 thoughts on “Intelligence Bureau Pakistan Salaries 2024”

  1. I came to know about intelligence bureau by reading a novel and start searching about it. But I can’t find many things. Firstly GD( General duty) The agents. Why they are called GD 11…9…….all that. Secondly can we direclty approach to bs 17 (ASP) by some sort of examinations like in css. Because all I came to understand is that ………you can join after matric……………
    Can we join it after BS( some professional degree). And is there any age limit. And what about girls can they join. Also what type of trainings are given. Action stunts with all those fun and shooting with guns and sky diving.


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