Pakistan Navy Police Salary Pay Scale Rank Allowances

If one is seeking for the information about this Pakistan Navy Police Salary and Pay Scale Rank Allowances the here we are. You can be the part of this Pakistan Navy as one of the professional sailors, competent kind of civilians, proud officers as well. If you are linked and associated with the police department of Pakistan Navy then you will have same basic salary which other policemen of other provinces enjoy. But on the other hand, Pakistan Navy Police get outfit allowance for their selves as well. They will get diving and entertainment allowance, special education allowance. House rent and also conservancy allowance, they are included in their pays and salaries as well.

Job description of Pakistan Navy Police

It will be as a civilian that you can join this institution of Pakistan navy. It is with the assistance and all through the way of short service commission that Pakistant navy allow and permit civilians to be the part of their department.

Through this Short Service Commission Officers, you can be the part and get register for their branches which are working in Pakistan Navy. For the information, this Short Service Commission has a tenure of five years and it sup to the department that whether they want to extend this tenure or not. It is also up to the related department then whether they want to convert this commission right into the permanent commission.

Revised Pay Scale 2025


Civilian seats opened in Pakistan army

You can be in their Education Branch, you can apply in their Special Branch which is related to Computer Programmer and IT Specialists), you can be in their Law Branch.

Law branch for Pakistan navy police

Policemen normally maintain the law and order situations. So individuals can affiliate theirselves with this law branch. In this Law branch, you will get training up to the time of 9 months. You will get training in many of establishments which are linked with Pakistan Navy. There are options for you as well by which you can linked with this Pakistani naval force just as civilian officer. You can get appointed to grade 16 to grade 19. so have idea for Pakistan Navy Pilot Salary further relevant

Pak Navy Salary

Pakistan navy announce posts and seats for civilians in their Naval Stores Organization and Naval Armament Supply Organization. You can apply in their Mechanical Division, Electrical Division, Construction Division or in their Drawing / Design Department. You can apply in their PN Laboratories, Personnel and Administration Department, Mechanical Transport Department. Appy in their Fumigation and Pest Control Department, Data Processing Centre or Medical Officers.

Stay connected.

1 thought on “Pakistan Navy Police Salary Pay Scale Rank Allowances”

  1. Navy sailor’s 2023 A ki jobs ka ad jho aya tha is main PTI ka Kong say scale hai or isomething ki kitni salary hai


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