Pakistan Security Printing Corporation Salary

In this Pakistan Security Printing Corporation salary zone, we are going to discuss certain kinds of job positions which work for this corporation body. We have posts like machine operator, maintenance fitter and instrument mechanic. These are technical posts and the expected salary which are given to these technical professionals, it is in between Rs 30000 to Rs 40000. For the information, this body print Banknotes and Prize Bonds. This is a nationally and too internationally recognized and identified organization which print security papers. This is the only one national organization which is working in Pakistan and it has been producing and creating strategically one of the important, essential security paper products for our country. This body has so far developed and come up with unique strengths and competencies. This body is striving continuously so that the higher and best of levels of excellence can be achieved.

Pakistan Security Printing Corporation Salary

As readers have receive the rough idea on Pakistan Security Printing Corporation salary, we are going to update you more and more. This printing corporation thus also gives maximum perks and incentives to their employees. Their mission is to keep exceeding the expectations of their customers by producing the highest and best quality paper products with all security and efficiency.

Pakistan Security Printing Corporation Salary

They have inducted and completely make use of international best practices. This printing corporation applies and install an integrated approach while doing a product research, development and also while manufacturing technology. Their departments like that of operations management as well as counterfeit deterrence and materials procurement and along with that their human resource management department, side of financial management and department information systems all work with integrated approach.

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More details will be put up on this Pakistan Security Printing Corporation salary zone, so keep in touch with us. Which else printing corporation you want to be discussed over here.

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