Punjab Daanish School Salaries In Pakistan

This page has all of the information about Punjab Daanish School Salaries in Pakistan, Basic Pay Scale, Benefits. Here we will talk about the Salaries range and income range of these people and employees who are working and serving in Punjab Daanish School. If you are on the post of deputy manager inspection then your grade scale will come out to be BS-18 and your gross Salaries will be Rs 105,000 on the per month basis.

This is their 2017 Salaries figure, it is the official Salaries and income figure which is updated and revealed by Punjab Daanish School. More information on Punjab Daanish School Salaries in Pakistan is shared below on this page.

If you are on the job line of assistant manager procurement then your basic grade scale will be S017 and your lump sum and all in all Salaries package will come out to be Rs 80,000 on the per month basis. If you have applied on the post of procurement officer then this job line also has this grade scale of BS-17 and Rs 80,000 is given to the officers who are on this job line. And suppose you have applied on this job post of project co-ordinator and you want to know that what grade scale and Salaries is given to this grade scale officer then we can let you know.

Punjab Daanish School Salaries In Pakistan

Salary Pakistan

Suppose any of the candidate has applied on the post network support engineer and his grade scale will be BS-16 and the amount of Salaries which will be offered to these grade scale officers is Rs 48,500 on the per month basis. Then for this post of computer operator, your grade scale will be BS-12 and your Salaries amount will be Rs 34000 right on the per month basis. Finally for the post of driver, BS-04 is the grade scale for this post of driver and you will be offered rs 25000 as your monthly Salaries. This is all updated information on the area and topic of Punjab Daanish School Salaries in Pakistan.

This post of project co-ordinator has the grade scale BS-17 and they are given Rs 80,000 Salaries package monthly basis.  In the coming days, more of the updated information on Punjab Daanish School Basic Pay Scale in Pakistan will be shared with readers. If revision will occur and made in these Punjab Daanish School Benefits in Pakistan, we will let you know.

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