Punjab Housing And Town Planning Agency Salary Salaries

If some one is interested to work for this housing and town planning agency, then here is the information for you on these Punjab Housing And Town Planning Agency Salary Salaries. This body and reputable agency working in Punjab province, it tries its best to offer competitive salaries to their staff. They assign basic pay scales to their employees. In the other words, whatever salary is given to the basic pay scale 11 officer by the federal and provincial government departments, that same pay is also given to the person who is working for this town planning agency and appointed on the BS-11 scale. As we have the post of junior clerk BS-11 and the salary and too pay package given to this post, it is Rs 23269. This is their monthly salary and some incentives are also given to this post. Then we have naib qasid position and the scale which is on the official terms given to this position title, it is currently BS-01 and it is the extreme junior scale. This position per month pay is Rs 17011.

Punjab Housing And Town Planning Agency Salary Salaries

We know that from the above written details, you have catch and understand the idea on these Punjab Housing And Town Planning Agency Salary Salaries. Apart from basic one monthly pays, allowances are given to the officers. On the monthly basis, perks are given to these town planning agency employees.

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Punjab Government Servants Housing Foundation

You can keep tuned with us and we will attach more of the details on Punjab Housing And Town Planning Agency Salary Salaries. The estimated idea is given to you that in what range monthly salaries are offered to staff of this housing and town planning agency. More of the elaborate details are coming up, let us know which other questions you want to ask and we are going to answer that and reply back to you.

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