Punjab Solicitor Office Salaries

If one is searching for the information on Punjab Solicitor Office Salaries, then here we have collected this desired information for you. In this office, there are various job positions which mainly and usually work. We will tell you the salaries of these positions and this way, you will eventually get the idea of their monthly allowances. If you work in this office and you are hired on the post of stenographer BS-15, then the per month pay will be Rs 28575. Same way, if the individual is working on the accountant post then his scale will be BS-15. On this scale, your per month pay will be Rs 28575. Particularly, in this office and Punjab solicitor body, we have the position of junior clerk BS-11 and the average salary given to these officers, it is Rs 23269.

Punjab Solicitor Office Salaries

No matter this office has its operations in other provinces of Pakistan, like we have KPK solicitor office or Sindh solicitor office, almost same pays are given to the staff. As the basic scale is mentioned to you, now you can easily get the idea of their monthly perks. We have last post for you and it is about naib qasid BS-01 and the salary assigned to this junior post, it is Rs 17011.

Punjab Solicitor Office Salaries

We know that these Punjab Solicitor Office Salaries are linked to the law department. We have told the current monthly pays of these employees and if this office and their relevant department will make an increase in their staff salaries and pays, we will let you know.

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More information is yet to come on the section of these Punjab Solicitor Office Salaries, so keep connected with us. If this office of law department will issue more revisions in their average basic pays, we will for sure inform you.

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