Balochistan Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS

Here we will have our discussion on the Balochistan Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS. It is notified by this Balochistan Government that they will be revising the scales and all grade of their employees. If you want to grab the information about this area then you need to read out and completely check out the details of this post. Here we will talk and discuss about this explanation that how much increment, how much increase in basic income is done by this Balochistan Government.

We will share all of these authentic figures with you. Just stay connected with us and you will also collect these facts that how much increase is done by the other provincial governments. We will start with the details from the revised minimum salary range and then you will know about those revisions which are made in the maximum salary area. We will be highlighting few of the grade scales and from this information, you can clearly get all the ideas regarding the revisions and changes in the pay scale which is done by this Balochistan Government. So here is the information for you regarding Balochistan Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS.

Balochistan Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS

Revised Pay Scale 2025


All details of revised pay scale BPS of Balochistan Government of Pakistan are here. If you are working in Balochistan Government and you are one of the BPS 05 officers then you have o receive this updated information that your minimum salary will be of amount Rs. 10260 and your maximum salary will be of amount Rs. 25260. This is the most valid figure which we have shared with our readers.

And if you belong to the grade scale of BPS 07 scale officers then this official information should also be received by you that your minimum income will be Rs. 10990 and your maximum salary has bee revised upto Rs. 29290. It is explained. This Balochistan Government  has bring this notification into light that these BPS 09 officers will get Rs. 11770 – Rs. 33670 amount in the form of their minimum and too maximum salary range. This specific and subjected government has revised the pay scale of these BPS 14 officers and they will not get Rs. 15180 – Rs. 50280 as their basic pay.

For these employees belonging to the Balochistan Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS, if you are on BPS-19 Pay Scale then your current basic salary will be Rs. 59210 – Rs. 120210. These BPS 21 officers current and latest salary and basic income has reached to the level of Rs. 76720 – Rs. 146720. Just stay connected and all readers will get more valid and comprehensive information about revised pay scale 2018. About other provincial government sectors, they have also revised pay scales of their workforce and info about them is coming soon.

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