Statistical Officer Salary In Pakistan Pay Scale

To know about statistical officer Salary In Pakistan Pay Scale, here you are. This officer is appointed on the pay scale of BS-17 and their monthly salary is Rs 52486. This salary number constantly get changed, it means that after one year time frame and when the budget is released by the federal government, then the pay of all officers is changed and increased on an appropriate note. These statistical officers have to gather and collect all kinds of numerical data and then they have to display it in front of their department. They make sense of the quantitative data and they also have to spot the trends and at the same time make predictions. They do and carry out the designing and developing of data acquisition trials. If you are hired on this post then your duty will be to assess the results and outcomes. These officers have to analyze the trends and they apply their statistical methodology in order to understand the complex data.

Statistical Officer Salary In Pakistan Pay Scale

Regarding the details of statistical officer Pay Scale In Pakistan, their salary is based on the principle that whether the selected person has this understanding of designing and also implementing data gathering software. You should know how to implement and use these management computer systems and other kinds of software.

Statistical Officer Salary In Pakistan Pay Scale

Statistical Officer Pay Scale In Pakistan

You will be supervising your junior statistical staff. As this is a high grade post and that is why these statisticians have to perform extensive duties. They will be using statistics so that they can make forecasts and also to provide and offer the projected figures. They are able to present the information in a  large variety and bunch of formats

So this is the present salary of these statisticians, to have more details of Statistical Officer Salary In Pakistan Pay Scale, keep in touch with us. The mentioned salary data shall witness changes and revisions in it, we will update you about those changes when the correct time will come.

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