Every time it is possible for researcher to get the material or anything directly relate to WAPDA Salary In Pakistan. Calculation is important, therefore we are going to make sure you have salary calculator in Pakistan with you. The same method with revised pay scale provided here so that new graduates can obtain their salary figure by calculating from here. WAPDA Assistant Private Secretary Pay Scale In Pakistan is BS 16. These are some Wapda scales
WAPDA Salary In Pakistan Calculates According to WAPDA Pay Scales And Chart In 2022
Revised Pay Scale 2025
- Assistant Private Secretary BS 16
- Foreman Mehanical BS 16
- Foreman Electrical BS 16
- Assistant Foreman Mechanical BS 15
- Senior Storekeeper BS 15
- Junior Storekeeper BS 14
- Junior Technician Electrical BS 14
- Junior Technician Mechanical BS 14
- Junior Technician Mechanical BS 14
- Junor Technician Instrument BS 14
- Winder BS 14
The figure of Basic pay scale is being provided here as per the detailed analysis through the table given below The above given table is going to through the wapda salaries in pakistan.
[display-posts category=”government-sector”]The rank of Wapda Foreman mechanical is simple as Assistant Private Secretary In Wapda as per the WAPDA Salary In Pakistan Calculates According to WAPDA Pay Scales And Chart In 2022 in developed mode. Foreman electrical also draw the same salary because BPS 16 same applied. Every job has the BPS scale meter reader pay scale in pakistan as per the detailed approach.