KRL Revised SPS Pay Scales 2023 With Jobs Employees Benefits

So let us have a look at the information about KRL revised SPS pay scales 2023 With Jobs Employees benefits. For the information this KRL stands for Kohistan Khan research laboratories. Note that they give fix and basic income, salary to their employees. We will give you the rough information that how much this organization usually give to their special pay scale officers.

If someone is working in KRL and he is on SPS 1 scale then note that his official and minimum salary will be Rs 12280 and these KRL officers maximum salary will be Rs 30280. These KRL SPS 2 officers, they get Rs 14710 as their minimum range of salary and this Rs 38710 amount is their official maximum basic salary amount. If one is working on this SPS 3 scale and he belongs to this KRL organization then note down this information that his minimum pay will be Rs 17650 and his maximum pay will then come out to be Rs 53950.

For those professionals who are on the SPS 4 scale and they are also linked with the firm KRL then their minimum salary range will reach to the figure of Rs 21100 and then their maximum salary will be Rs 60100. To grab more of the details about KRL revised SPS pay scales 2023, here you are, you can check this below written information.

KRL Revised SPS Pay Scales 2023 With Jobs Employees Benefits

Talking about KRL revised SPS pay scales With Jobs Employees benefits, they are diversified their numbers. Like these special pay scale officers serving and working in KRL, they get this medical and ad hoc allowance.

And then these officers are given fuel and entertainment allowance. No matter on whatever KRL special pay scale you are working, you will also get special performance allowance and these yearly increments.

Revised Pay Scale 2025


We know that this research laboratory is one of the well known multi program national researched based institutes. It is managed and too operated by this Pakistani armed forces. This research laboratory is located in Kahuta. It conduct these multidisciplinary in number of researches and developments in the fields of space exploration as well as super computing and too in the field of national security.

This KRL lab is one of the highly classified labs we have in Pakistan. They have employed and hired large and huge number of technical and professional staff at their end. They have chemists and professional scientists, then they make the hiring of material scientists and too engineers. This is all an approximate amount of KRL revised SPS pay scales 2023 details. To grab more updated info on this area, you can remain connected with us and we will more tell you that how many more benefits are given to these KRL employees.

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