Chief Whip Salary In Pakistan Chief Whip National Assembly

We would like you to introduce a new term chief whip. This is familiar term with uk parliment, usa parliment and canadian parliment. For Pakistan, it is quite new term. As our most of audiance is Young and wants to know Chief Whip Salary In Pakistan, we would like to display here our educated guess about it. There are some elected and non elected members in consitutional rights. Chairman and deputy chairman are elected representative. Senate has equal representation from all provinces unlike national assembly in pakistan.

Chief Whip Salary In Pakistan Chief Whip National Assembly

Everyone knew the reality that senate has equal voice or power from all provinces. 100 or 104 senators are there representing equally a per pakistan senate members list 2022. The basic role of chip whip in pakistan is to look after all the parities within the government of pakistan.

The Acts referred to above, regulate to the salary and allowances of Members of Parliament (MPs), Chairman & Speaker and Deputy Chairman & Deputy Speaker of Senate/National Assembly. Section 3 of the MPs (Salaries and Allowance) Act 1974, determines the monthly salary amounting to Rs. 27000/- admissible to a Member.

The mp scales should consider while calculating such salary. You can check out different mp scales in pakistan.

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There are several issues raises within the parilament. Chip whip are directly looking after those issues. The next level is parlimentary leaders who ae responsible for specific party agenda. So, chip whip is responsible job indeed. The mp pay scales in pakistan can define the salary of senator in this paradigm.

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