If looking for this specific information on Junior Scientific Officer Salary in Pakistan Navy pay scale, then here you are! The basic pay scale of this subjected position is BS-17 and the average salary of these scientific officers, it is Rs 52486. This is the current monthly salary and it can get changed depending on the budget or specific circumstances. These scientific officers working for the Pakistan navy, they are given a managerial role so that they can conduct all kinds of scientific researches and also keen on making scientific products. Such an officer will do independent researches, they lead teams and create policy as well as protocol. It is their duty to collaborate with all of the company executives. These professionals are called with the name of research scientists. The other job title given to them is natural science manager. They act as in the form of liaisons right between executive administrators of the organization and the scientists, technicians, all of them are the one who make up and build the research division.
Junior Scientific Officer Salary In Pakistan Navy Pay Scale
So the exact figure on this Junior Scientific Officer Salary in Pakistan Navy is mentioned to you. Allowances are perks are given to these officers at the same time as well. This is the current Junior Scientific Officer pay scale in Pakistan Navy. You should note down that Junior Scientific Officer FPSC salary is based on when the officer is able to devise the research proposals, coordinate meetings, fulfill administrative responsibilities, supervise and inspect the implementation and follow up processing of programs.
So this is the per month salary which is given to this position, more info will be forward to you. This per month pay is subject to all possible, often and frequent changes. Keep in touch and more stats on the salary section will be given.