National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Nepra Salaries in Pakistan

Here you can have all of the details about National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Nepra Salaries in Pakistan, Basic Pay Scale, Benefits.  We know that this Nepra, they make the hiring of employees and they usually get done with the process of posting and selection of their employees on the certain basis. Likewise here we are going to mentioned few of the job posts which are working in Nepra, we are going to tell you that how much these job posts are earning and what are the main benefits and line of incentives which are being received and given to these job officers.

Like if you are on the post of front desk executive then you should have te bachelors degree. It is seen that Nepra, they have not yet and so far revealed the salaries of their employees. It is their policy that they have not yet disclosed the income and Salaries package of their employees who are working in Nepra. More of the details on National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Nepra Salaries in Pakistan are mentioned below on this page.


job description

NEPRA basically answerable for the regulation, licenses of issuance, tariff determination, monitoring compliance of electrical power in Pakistan.  This department plays vital role in efficient supply of electricity in country. NEPRA has announced many job opportunities to recruit efficient and reliable individuals for the better performance. Recently NEPRA has publicize jobs opportunity for the advisor consumer affair

Job requirement

NEPRA has conventional certain necessities for this post advisor in consumer affairs department such as basic eligibility is bachelors and master in electric engineering from any renowned university that should be recognized by the HEC. This post is quite responsible and critical kind of post so 10ten years post qualification experience is must require for regarded vacancy and required age is 35 to 45 years but higher experience of the candidates would preferred. The candidate should possess management and administrational skills for the advisory post in NEPRA.

Offered Salary for advisor in NEPRA

The NEPRA has broadcast salary for the advisor post starts from 300,000 and could be goes up to 400,000 that are totally dependent on the applicant’s credibility and experience in this field. There is no gender disparity both male and female has equal opportunity to be selected for this post on their integrity.

National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Nepra Salaries in Pakistan


These employees also get these adhoc allowances and too ad hoc relief allowances. It is on the yearly basis that their incentives and these line of benefits are being revised and updated and their salaries and lump sum packages are also updated and gets changed on the per year basis.

Ministry Of States And Frontier Regions Salaries

This is all information on National Electric Power Regulatory Authority Nepra Salaries in Pakistan. As soon as we will get the updated Salaries figures of employees who are working in Nepra, we will let you know. Till now, we have given you this rough idea that how much Salaries and benefits are usually given to these officers and working staff who are serving in Nepra.

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