KPK Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS

If readers and users are looking for the facts about KPK Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS then they are at right page. Here we will talk about the current and latest piece of information that how much revision and specified changes are done by this KPK Government in their employees basic salaries. This KPK Government has revised their minimum salaries, they have bring changes in their maximum salary range and their increment area is too revised.

So if you were searching for these kind of details, we hope that you have reached to the correct spot. We can give you this example that if you are on BPS 14 scale then your latest one minimum income amount will come out as Rs. 15180 and your minimum salary range will come out as Rs. 50280. For BPS 16 Pay Scale, your minimum pay and income will come out as Rs. 18910 and your maximum salary will then be come out as Rs. 64510. These are official revisions which have taken place. Below we have collected more recent and latest information on revised pay scale 2022.

KPK Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS

Revised Pay Scale 2025


These stats linked with Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS Of KPK Government Of Pakistan are updated on the often terms.  Now let us suppose that you are on BPS-17 Pay Scale and you serve in this KPK Government then your basic and average salary will come out as Rs. 30370 – Rs. 76370. This decision and final notification is also issued by this government that these grade officers increment amount will come out as Rs 2300.

If one has to specifically talk about the revised scale of BPS-19 post, then their average one and basic income has come out as Rs. 59210 – Rs. 120210.  Note that this KPK Government has revised the salary range of BPS 20 Pay Scale too and their minimum income has come out as Rs. 69090 and their maximum salary range has come out as Rs. 132230.  For BPS 21 Pay Scale, it is finalized by this government that their basic income will now be coming out as Rs. 76720 – Rs. 146720. Then these BPS 22 Pay Scale officers, their revised and most latest income range has now come out as Rs. 82380 – Rs 164560.

For more updates and for more bunch of facts about KPK Government Pakistan Revised Pay Scale 2023-24 BPS, stay tuned with us. As this KPK Government of Pakistan has revised and all updated the salary ranges and grade scale of their official posts. In same sway, other provincial governments have carried out this revision too. If you want to know about their revisions then you need to stay tuned with us for more time.

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