Station Health Organization Army Salaries Salary

Station Health Organization Army Salaries Salary complete and latest info is put up over here. Note that this Station Health Organization is the part of army body and they assign basic pay scale to their officers and on the basis of this defined scales, salaries and all perks list are finalized for these employees. Like we have post of seasonal supervisor and the scale of this position working in thus organization, it is BS-01, Rs 17011 is the per month salary of this post. Then we have position of seasonal labor for you and the basic pay scale for this position is now and currently available in the scale range of BS-01, Rs 17011 is the basic pay of this post. In these grade scale 1 posts, we have seen that perks and many allowances are included in this employee salary zone category. These seasonal supervisors and the post of this seasonal labor, it is given accommodation and fuel, travel allowance. When you are made to work in this organization, then these same pre defined government bodies basic pay scales will be given to you.

Station Health Organization Army Salaries Salary

Pak Army soldier Salary In Pakistan

You can keep in touch with us and we will regularly collect more of the stats for you on this section of Station Health Organization Army Salaries Salary. We have served you with all A to Z salary details and when revision process will take place, we will let you know. All revisions and all changes taking place in employees salaries will be informed to you.

If the reader has any question on this zone of Station Health Organization Army Salaries Salary, he can let us know and other army organization departments and pays given to their staff details will be provided to readers. So stay and keep in touch with us.

1 thought on “Station Health Organization Army Salaries Salary”

  1. Sho post apply
    My name is Bilal Ahmad iam educated boy I have clerance certificate but I am Muslims I like the army department and give me one chance


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