Statistical Assistant Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale BPS Allowances And Benefits

Here you can get all comprehensive information about statistical assistant salary in Pakistan Basic Pay Scale BPS Allowances And Benefits. This post of statistical assistant, it is of BS-14 and here we will be sharing their revised minimum as well as maximum basic salaries. These officers who are on BS-14 post and whoever are on other grade scale posts, they get allowances and many number of benefits too apart from their receiving of basic salaries. In each year, whenever budget come then their basic salaries and increment figures are also revised. Here 2017 figures will be provided to you. We will share details province by province basis and then you will know about statistical assistant salary in Pakistan of each single province of Pakistan.

This statistical assistant Basic Pay Scale is of BS-14. This statistical assistant BPS grade officers, they get same basic salaries no matter that they are working in Punjab province or if they ar working in Balchistan province. Their minimum basic pay is Rs 15180 and their maximum basic pay is Rs 50280 and increment amount of 2017 is Rs 1170. For Punjab province officers, their minimum basic income and pay is Rs 15180, maximum basic salary and pay is Rs 50280, increment figure and amount of 2017 is exactly Rs 1170. Then for these Sindh province officers, they get  basic minimum pay of Rs 15180, basic maximum income is Rs 50280, increment is Rs 1170.

Those who are serving in KPK province or if you are serving in the Balohistan province then your minimum basic salary and pay has ben updated to Rs 15180 and your maximum basic salary has been updated to figures of Rs 50280, your updated amount of increment is Rs 1170. These statistical assistant Benefits are many. No doubt that these statistical assistant Allowances are great in number, first of all they get a job security and receives pension once their job time and span will be finished.

Statistical Assistant Salary In Pakistan Basic Pay Scale BPS Allowances And Benefits

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These officers on grade of BS-14, they get house rent, ad-hoc allowance and special pays and incentives too. More details of statistical assistant salary in Pakistan will be shared with readers. As soon as updated statistical assistant salary will be officially announced by government of Pakistan authorities, details will be put up and forward on this page.

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