NESCOM Jobs Salary 2023 Pay Scales Employees Starting Package

If looking for the complete facts and details about NESCOM Jobs Salary 2023 Pay Scales Employees Starting Package then here you are at the very correct page and source. If you are on SPS 5 scale and you are serving in this NESCOM commission body then note that your minimum salary will start from the amount and range of Rs 28140 and then your maximum salary will reaches to the stat of Rs 72540. Note that this firm NESCOM, it stands for National engineering and scientific commission. Their hired and chosen employees work on this special pay scale category basis.

Giving you the rough idea and facts that how much salary and income is given to these NESCOM employees, then you can check out and read the complete details mentioned in this post. On the other hand, if any one is working on the SPS 6 scale and he is also linked with the commission NESCOM then his initial salary range will be Rs 2980 and maximum range of basic income will reaches to the amount of Rs 80290.

NESCOM Jobs Salary 2023 Pay Scales Employees Starting Package

These SPS 7 officers serving in NESCOM, their initial and most minimum range of income will be Rs 31660 and their maximum amount of basic income will be Rs 88660 about the NESCOM Jobs Salary 2023 Pay Scales Employees Starting Package. This commission NESCOM also hire people on SPS 8 scale and Rs 39200 is the minimum basic income of these SPS 8 officers and their maximum value of their basic salary us Rs 85200.

If you are an employee in SPS 9 then your minimum range will be of amount Rs 54100 and then your maximum range will reach to the official figures of Rs 111500. Below you can have a look at the more details of NESCOM pay scales 2023.

Now we will discuss about NESCOM starting salary details. NESCOM has published certain jobs for the suitable, efficient candidates. These posts are on contract basis for the particular time that would be declares in coming days. Well educated, effectual, responsible individuals who are looking for the high ranked job are invited for certain jobs that are mentioned below;

Post salary qualification experience
Manager as an admin 170319 MBA, BBA, MPA,MAS,MS,HRM 1st division 6 year post qualification
Assistant manager civil 132885 BE,BS,BSC civil engineering 1st division Relevant experience required
Jr. Executive of finance 93119 M.COM, MBA, post- graduation, 1st division Relevant experience required
Computer operator 62739 B.SC, BCS, BIT, 1st division Experience in MS office, computer knowledge
Junior assistant as an admin 60663 B.COM, BBA, BCS,B.A, B.SC Office working and management experience

benefits and allowances 

This National Engineering and scientific commission offers many benefits and perks to its employees. Their list of perks and incentives start from medical and entertainment allowance.They get this fuel and ad hoc allowance, house rent benefit as well as special performance allowance.

Note that this NESCOM employees salary organization is one of the civilian controlled engineering organizations which is serving and operating in Pakistan. It mainly carries out authentic researches in the fields of information technology and aerodynamics and also in the fields of aerospace engineering and electrical engineering.

SUPARCO Jobs Salary

It has made extensive researches in mechanical engineering field, chemical engineering field. We are sure that you have received all updated information about NESCOM salary package category. If more info shall be uploaded by NESCOM regarding the category of their employees salaries then we will let you know. Stay tuned and do grab all authentic and valid information for NESCOM Jobs Salary 2023 Pay Scales Employees Starting Package.

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