Details on scientific assistant salary in atomic energy PAEC Pay Scale are here for you. The post of scientific assistant-I gets the average salary of (21,100-1,300-60, 100). On the other hand, scientific assistant-III, they get the monthly salary and pay of (14,710-800-38,710). These scientific assistants have to perform and complete all sort of administrative tasks. They carry out researches related to do the weather forecasting and flood forecasting. You can call them as research scientists. If you have advanced degrees and you do have years of experience then you can work in PAEC and also for this post.
Scientific Assistant Salary In Atomic Energy PAEC Pay Scale
This scientific assistant pay scale in atomic energy is given to the professionals who can perform all range of successful and independent researches. The other name for this job title, you can call them as natural science managers. These assistants have to devise the research proposals and coordinate meetings. They train their personnel so that they can themselves process and complete the specific research projects. Now you know the current stats on scientific assistant in paec salary.
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Pay Scales And Salaries
Revised Special Pay Scales SPS 2019 Calculator
[/junkie-alert]Scientific Assistant Pay Scale In Atomic Energy
We have mentioned the actual pay figures to you. If the revision or changes will encounter and be officially taking place in their salaries, we will update you. The current basic pay scale of the above stated job position is provided to you, now we have to wait for the time when further increment or any increase in the list of perks and allowances will be made. In this salary number, the stats of house rent and ad hoc relief and too conveyance and medical allowances are included too. This Pakistan atomic energy commission, they first evaluate the skills and caliber of the applicant and then decide that how much pay and what pay scale will be given to him. Keep connected with us.
Asssalam o alaikum jnab.ap mjy scientific Asstant-lll k bary guid kr dny gi .m ny teary krni h test . thenks
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